just looking: art x lagos 2019

1 - 3 November 2019, presented by Ed Cross Fine Art

Abe Odedina’s Just Looking takes its name from precisely that phenomenon: the basic unit of currency in a transaction between artist and viewer. Conducted across the fertile territory spanning intention to interpretation, the implicit exchange — just looking, thanks — is literalised rather than incidentally represented.

Just Looking at Art X Lagos will be Odedina's first exhibition in the country of his birth; based between Brazil and Brixton, and anchoring his practice in mythologies drawn from across myriad world traditions, the stories breaking through the surfaces of his paintings surpass physical borders. Odedina’s work speaks through a highly legible allegorical vernacular, holding the wildly specific and the universal in generative tension

Download the press release here.

Find out more here.


Birds of Paradise, Copeland Gallery, 2020


Diaspora: Abe Odedina and Wole Lagunju, 2019