birds of paradise

Copeland Gallery, 24 April - 1 May 2019, presented by Ed Cross Fine Art and curated by Katherine Finerty

Birds of Paradise is the second comprehensive presentation of a major series of paintings by Abe Odedina presented by Ed Cross Fine Art and curated by Katherine Finerty at Copeland Gallery.

Spectacular, iridescent plumage with elaborate, elongated tails – these striking features distinguish birds of paradise, and their eponymous blossoms. These creatures are all unique, express themselves fully, and are quite simply a celebration of just being alive. This new body of work by Abe Odedina is a salutation to all that birds of paradise represent: the importance of never forgetting that humanity is magnificent and enduring, no matter how shrivelled or shrunken we may feel personally and collectively. In a moment where notions of paradise might seem more tenuous and far away from reality than ever, these landscapes, portraits, and stories remind us to become reattached in the face of cacophony. They inspire us to fight back with a tender sense of respect, a curious penchant for listening, and an effortless sense of seduction – basically and blissfully: to live our best lives.

Download the press release here.

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Art X Lagos 2020


Art X Lagos 2019: Just Looking